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50% OFF ALL BUNDLES. [Sanomentology Training](https://www.sanomentology.com/therapeuticdesign), [Magic and Miracles](https://sanomentology.com/magic-and-miracles/), and [Be Limitless](https://sanomentology.com/be-limitless-50-offer/). Limited Time Offer
Looking back on lives that I’ve changed

Looking back on lives that I’ve changed

When I look back on the years developing Sanomentology and the lives I have changed, they all fill me with joy, but some stand out more than others. Sam (fake name) is one such case. Sam was a 22 year old lad from the rough part of London. He was heavily involved in a...
Why did you not change your job… yet?

Why did you not change your job… yet?

Why you did not change your job….. ….yet. Each day, you wake up, hustle, and depart for a place where you spend hours feeling neither joy nor fulfillment. It seems like an endless cycle, repeating day after day, with your dreams and aspirations fading...
Who has depression in England?

Who has depression in England?

Who has depression in England? Only the government decides. Not doctors. In England, the determination of who is suffering from depression has taken a new turn. It is no longer the doctors who make this call; instead, the government has stepped in. According to recent...