50% OFF ALL BUNDLES. [Sanomentology Training](https://www.sanomentology.com/therapeuticdesign), [Magic and Miracles](https://sanomentology.com/magic-and-miracles/), and [Be Limitless](https://sanomentology.com/be-limitless-50-offer/). Limited Time Offer
50% OFF ALL BUNDLES. [Sanomentology Training](https://www.sanomentology.com/therapeuticdesign), [Magic and Miracles](https://sanomentology.com/magic-and-miracles/), and [Be Limitless](https://sanomentology.com/be-limitless-50-offer/). Limited Time Offer
50% off offer ends in:

Become a Sanomentologist in the only training guided by the creator of the method.

Use the most innovative, world awarded method of working with the 11 levels of your client’s minds.

It doesn’t matter whether you already have your own practice or are just planning to open it. You can learn Sanomentology from your own home. And you will be guided step by step during the process of implementing it with your clients.

Do you, or do you want to, facilitate change in your clients?

It’s a noble cause. A win-win situation. But how are you doing so far?

Customers are delighted with the results at the beginning. But then they report to you difficulties in maintaining the effects. You try to help them as best you can. But you really don’t know how to help them in the long run.

You see limitations in the methods you use. So you improve your craft. You learn new methods. Behind every new method there are tempting theories. And then… You realise that this is another method that only helps your clients superficially.

You try to put on a good face for a bad game. You start to lack confidence in what you do. You have no support from the people from whom you learned your methods. You see that they only cared about selling you their course.

Because of all this, you are struggling with problems created by your own mind. The very problems your methods were supposed to solve but didn’t. Imposter syndrome, non-deservedness, fear of charging prices which reflect your true value, lack of energy, health problems.

If you’re dealing with this, how can you promise results to your clients? All this makes you feel confused about the therapeutic and developmental world. You feel frustrated. Lost. Humanly disappointed.

But you don’t stop searching. You know that the effects you give build your name. And you are determined to give your clients the best, even if you have to scour the whole Earth looking for the best methods.

Or maybe you are just thinking about making helping others your job?

All this awaits you once you get into this grind. And you can face it forever if you choose the wrong method.

And then your dreams of a life full of satisfaction, freedom, travel, money and appreciation… will fade away like a dream.

And you won’t even know what to do with it.

The world of therapy and self-development also failed me.

I identified five main problems with it.


Until recently, methods of working with the mind were based on manipulation. And manipulation is easily detected by the mind on it’s higher levels. And then the mind resists. Overcoming this resistance may only work temporarily or not at all.


People who are temporarily unable to cope with life come to therapists and change workers. Their psyche is a delicate matter. Meanwhile, most methods drag your clients through processes that may be traumatic for them. And for what? Does this really increase your results?


There is nothing more frustrating in a therapist’s life than a delighted client who comes back because their problem has returned. You care about your customers. You want to give them lasting results. Why doesn’t it work on them when you’ve been taught it should?


Just think. How can you ensure lasting change for your clients if you don’t go through change yourself with a given method? There are key characteristics of a successful change worker. You will not achieve success if you do not awaken them in yourself. A good method should provide you with this.


Yes exactly. Most courses teaching the method are just recordings. You finish it and get a certificate, but you don’t know where to ask questions when you encounter a client with a certain problem. Alternatively, you have to pay endlessly for updates, new modules and support.

Doesn't this tire you out?

How much longer are you willing to chase the next method?

Didn’t you become a coach, therapist or other change worker to free people from the above?

From the lack of effects, from the lack of durability of the effects, from traumatic experiences, from being endlessly manipulated and not supported?

Didn’t you become one to free yourself from that?

I Did!

Therefore, after years of fruitless searches, I created an effective, gentle and lasting effect method.

I didn’t enter the world of therapy to take money from people by not helping them.

And I still don’t agree to it.

That’s why I analyzed all the methods I came across. I didn’t stop there. I reached out to all available religions, philosophies, modern science and ancient knowledge.

I extracted the gist of them. The source of their potential effectiveness, overshadowed by the human ego. Overshadowed by the distortions of subsequent experts. People striving for improvement, but wandering along the way. People who, over time, became just cogs in the machine of keeping people stuck in their old problems.

And this is how Sanomentology was created.

A method that is distinguished from others primarily by its effectiveness and gentleness. A method that does not retraumatize clients, but gives them lasting change, not just superficial results.

My name is Martin Rothery

Throughout my life I have faced trials and turbulence, but each time I have overcome them, bouncing higher than before. It is the principles and processes I teach that have helped me and the thousands of clients I have worked with achieve this goal.

All of my work is carefully researched, evaluated, tested and adjusted as necessary to provide the best set of therapeutic tools available on the market to date.

The program is the result of 38 years of research and development and 10 years of providing methods for therapeutic and training purposes. Currently, I have trained over 380 people on 7 continents. And Sanomentology has already helped tens of thousands of people on Earth.

In addition to the high success rate in treating issues such as addiction, PTSD, and other issues, clients have recovered from problems that the medical world had given up on. As an example, I will give CRPS (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome), trigeminal pain and fibromyalgia.

Clients who had lost hope of walking or living a normal life suddenly found a new life. One client went from not leaving his home for two years due to back problems to walking several dozen miles in a matter of weeks.

Therefore, you do not have to look for other courses or waste time and money investing in more protocols and methods.

It’s all included in one easy-to-learn package, based on my own experiences and the issues my clients and former interns have brought to me.

Because just think about it. You have achieved your success at the level you have achieved because you have constantly developed. But the goal of searching for the best method for your clients is not to search for it endlessly. Your goal is to find it. How easy it is to forget about it during this professional journey.

Martin Rothery

Why is this possible in Sanomentology and has not been possible in any other method?

Awareness of the scope of consciousness

Don’t you get that strange feeling that after some time of working with the subconscious mind, that there may be more to it? Does it not seem that you are not quite seeing the full picture, like you are just seeing a small fragment of a much bigger puzzle? You are right!

Sanomentology recognises that we are not just a binary of conscious and subconscious mind, as is adopted by most therapeutic practises. It realises that it is rather a complex network of multi-level, multi-dimensional consciousness. This aligns with contemporary scientific theories and allows for a more comprehensive form of therapy that addresses the entire spectrum of the human experience. Without this, the therapy only affects a third of the equation.

Lack of retraumatisation

Isn’t it the case that having a client relive their worst experiences is inconsistent with your intent and intuition? Doesn’t it concern you that the client is having to go through a terrible experience in the name of healing? One this is as emotionally straining as the the original trauma.

Many therapies rely on talking about and making the client relive their past experiences. I realised that this was not necessary. This can be harrowing and dangerous, as can exemplify the negative programs that are running, or create new ones. At best it will be unpleasant and distressing for the client. Sanomentology has no need to relive or talk about traumas, and when it is necessary to address them, it will substitute symbology in place of any situation that are too harrowing to the client.

A no bullying or manipulation approach

Maybe sometimes you are tired, because as a therapist your clients expect you to have answers to all of their issues. But you know perfectly that the answers are all within them. And this expectation from your clients drains you. And you are right again. You do not need to have those answers. But with suggestions you make, you are going against this.

Rather than making suggestions as is the general practice, to change behaviours Sanomentology takes the client on a journey to discover their own solutions and resolve the problems in a way that works with them. Rather than following the therapist’s instructions to resolve, they are guided to see the full problems, it’s roots, it’s connections to other programs, and resolve it fully in their own way.

A trusting and empathetic method

Sanomentology relies on freedom, trust, and permission to the whole of consciousness to do what it knows needs to be done for the best outcome for the client and everyone involved. Because these solutions are managed by the clients own mind, they are congruent with the clients belief system and their values, ensuring they are more likely to “stick”.

So how would it be to be a therapist with a world awarded method in your hands

And to not have to use those old methods that go against your whole intuition?

To not feel bad when you see your client suffering again from the experiences of their past traumas and woes?

All because of the things you do just because you were taught that way, but you feel deep down it isn’t quite right.

How would it be to use a method that is congruent and consistent with you own natural and ethical approach to helping others?

What does the Sanomentology: Therapeutic Design training include?

Below you will find the names of the training modules, along with their short description.


What is Sanomentology? How does it work in simple words? What are its principles and the ethical code of a Sanomentologist?


New concept. Discussion of the concept of 6 dimensional Consciousness and communication between dimensions.


5 attributes you need to be a successful Sanomentologist. What qualities can you work on to awaken a good Sanomentologist in you?


How does a Sanomentologist work with Consciousness? How do we enter and bring clients into higher states of consciousness?


How does a Sanomentologist communicate with the most basic level of the unconscious mind? How can we mediate with it without manipulating it?


How to work with a client in a Sanomentological dream state? How to use Inner Journeys and Interactive Lucid Dreams in a gentle and effective way?


How to work with deeper processes to gain access to higher states of Consciousness? What is higher Consciousness, the Alpha and Omega state?


How to stimulate the mind to work on healing from general illnesses and dealing with emotional issues with this protocol?


How to help customers solve multi-cause problems using a multi-faceted process to root out the issues from their origins?


How to clean the amygdala from unfinished business? How to change reactions and encourage cooperation across the full scope of the Mind?


How to help clients unable to deal with feelings of guilt? How can we enable them to come to terms with this feeling and provide them with support during the process?


What are common mechanisms for dealing with shame? How does this relate to Imposter Syndrome? How to solve feelings of shame, using Sanomentology?


How to establish a connection between Consciousness, Unconsciousness and Superconsciousness to support your clients in achieving their goals?


How to strengthen the ability to learn, remember and acquire new skills and abilities by engaging the Unconscious Mind in this process? How to remove blocks from learning?


How to quickly change the client’s emotional state and motivation from acting from a position of fear and unpleasant emotions to acting from a position of love?


How can we provide clients with a repeatable process of increasing self-belief and self-confidence that will help them solve many of their own problems?


How to quickly change a client’s perspective on their problems and help them work with every level at which they exist, from the atom to the Universe?


The basics of manifestation accompanied by inspired action. A protocol for clearing your intentions and finding the easiest way to reach your goal.


How to reactivate the ability to reason and see the truth of the world? What is a way to establish a power word that empowers the client?


How to awaken specific traits using Sanomentology? How to solve what blocks customers from recognizing them in themselves?


How to access a deeper level of Law of Attraction based on the theory of general reality and the reality frequency calculator?


How does the split in the use of lower states of consciousness contribute to the development of psychological problems? How do you make repairs at these levels by entering the highest state of consciousness?


How to help clients look at their problems from the highest state of consciousness? How do you allow them to explore freely when they are in this state and give them access to the solutions available at this level?


How to ensure the free flow of intentions and inspirations between 6 crucial states of consciousness? How to increase clients ability to solve problems and prepare them for manifestation based on inspired actions?


What is pain? How does it work? Why do we experience it? How can we help clients reduce the level of chronic pain or completely eliminate pain described as psychosomatic?


Why do people become addicts? The science behind it. How does the brain work in addictions? What is the psychological reasoning behind it? How to effectively deal with addictions?


How do fears and phobias work? What are they actually? Why and when do people start experiencing them? What to do to help clients get rid of fears and phobias?


What is trauma? How does it work? What does science say about it? How to help clients end their trauma response?


Why diets don’t work? Why is weight a problem and how is programming the number one cause of all weight issues?


How to solve sleep difficulties? How can you help clients return to a healthy sleep cycle and stop snoring?


Similarities and differences between them. How to work with them to end them? How to support clients in this process?


How to adapt Sanomentology processes to deal with them? Examples of anonymous cases from my therapeutic work.


Overview of bipolar, schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s and other issues. How to work with people experiencing them?


How to quickly help people suffering from anxiety and panic attacks? How to stop the feeling of disorientation?


How do different Consciousnesses interact? The process to deter bad interactions and open the client for good ones.


How to take part in a program aimed at healing the entire Earth? Session for people at a high level of self-healing.


Discussion of the laws of Mentalism, Vibration, Correspondence, Polarity, Rhythm, Cause and Effect, Gender. Processes for people who want to understand how they work.



Impressive? And that's not all.

In addition, in the Sanomentology: Therapeutic Design training you get:

  • Lifetime support! And not provided by “someone from my team”. You have direct support from the method creator. When you encounter a client with a complex problem, I will share my experience with you and guide you on how to help him. This guarantees you success with clients every time you use this method.
  • A comprehensive, 600+ page manual containing all training information, processes and protocols in an easy-to-use, digital format. This means you don’t have to do every lesson over again to get back to a certain topic. Just open the manual and read again.
  • Possibility to practice with other students. Learning comes not by reading theories, but by practicing. You know about it. All you need to do is post in the course group that you want to practice a given process.

In addition, if you invest in Sanomentology: Therapeutic Design today, you will receive access to the entire Sanomentology: Be Limitless program!

Yes, this means that in addition to the training that will allow you to become a Sanomentologist, you also have access to all the Sanomentology programs that I have created. And you can go through them to help yourself!

Not only will you finally solve your “unsolvable” problems, but you will also see how you can create effective processes and courses for your clients. Processes and courses that will bring you a fair income from giving your clients lasting results!

Just look at what the programs contains.

Confidence Boost

Chronic Pain Elimination

Advanced/Autoimmune pain

Fears and Phobias

Anxiety and Depression


Weight Managment

Overcoming Addictions

PTSD and Trauma

Love, Sex, and Relationships

Shame/Imposter Syndrome

Personal Growth


Joyful Living

Business Mindset

The Greatest Escape

The value of all these courses is $2600. But today you get them as an addition to the comprehensive Sanomentology: Therapeutic Design training! Imagine this. What problem will you solve with them first?


How can you join the Sanomentology: Therapeutic Design training today?

I understand how it works. You see an opportunity, but you think “I’ll think about it”.

Days turn to weeks, turn to never. And the opportunity is lost.

The best Sanomentologists are those who make fast and intuitive decisions. Therefore I am giving you a no-brainer opportunity right now. For the next 5 days you can invest in the full Sanomentology: Therapeutic Design, and the Be Limitless program, for just $1300. That’s $1300 off of the regular price. You can even spread the investment over 4 months.

This offer will expire as soon as the timer runs out, and will not be available to you again.

Are you ready to make the best decision you will ever make?

Therapy and Healing Bundle



one payment

Or choose to pay in 4 easy installments of $325

Sanomentology: Therapeutic Design

Sanomentology: Be Limitless with downloadable sessions

Remember that you will only become a Sanomentologist after completing the full training. You will not be allowed to work with clients as a Sanomentologist until completed.

Look what effects you can achieve working with clients with Sanomentology!

Here you will find reviews of clients who I helped with this method. Click on the review to see it in full.

In Sanomentology: Therapeutic Design training I will teach you, how to do it!

Also take a look at the opinions of some of my students

I am waiting for your recommendation and believe me, I know that I will earn it by helping you.

“I would like to express my gratitude to you for developing Sanomentology.
I spent years searching for an effective method to support both myself and others, experimenting with different modalities and techniques. When coaching had reached its limits, I discovered the therapeutic process of Internal Family Systems, which deeply intrigued me. Later, I delved into hypnotherapy. Yet, despite believing I had found all I needed, a part of me felt there was still more to discover… Shortly thereafter, I came across Sanomentology. This method has profoundly impacted me on a personal level, and I’m in a completely different place now.
I feel I am now ready to share your mission and extend the impact in the world around me.
Warm regards, Dorota Ptak”


“I am psychotherapist in the Schema Therapy approach and this is my leading direction of working with patients. However, this has it’s limitations for working with the subconscious mind. Sanomentology fills this gap beautifully. It lets you keep in touch with the spiritual and energetic dimensions. Through symbolism, Sanomentology teaches how to release emotions and change the Core Schema as well . All of the recorded material and the PDF booklet explain everything well. Sanomentology brings together science, the spiritual world and quantum physics, and also information about how the human mind works. Martin is always in touch and answers every questions. I have new clients and I made a lot of leaps of awareness myself. It was great investment in my business as well. Martin, thank you so much for Sanomentology. I hope more and more people will use and buy your program because it’s worth it. Marta Noryśkiewicz”


What is Sanomentology? How does it work? Why should i learn it

Watch a short video that explains what Sanomentology is, how it works and why you should learn it. This will help you assess whether you can understand the training if English is not your first language.

You only need one course. One that will change your life and the lives of your customers.

  • No more entering a course with high hopes and then paying endlessly for additional modules and support.
  • No more using methods that fail you and your customers. And you bend over backwards to justify to yourself that maybe it’s worth using them.
  • No more manipulating customers “for their good”, no more traumatizing them, supposedly for the same purpose.
  • Everything you need to help with trauma, addiction, chronic pain, fears and phobias, stress, anxiety and depression, grief, weight management, love, sex, relationships, personal growth, manifestation, learning, joyful living, business mindset, in one place!
  • 48 lessons, nearly 40 hours of knowledge, comprehensive manual containing over 600 pages with session protocols.
  • Your clients’ results. For which they will be grateful to you for the rest of their lives and will happily recommend you further.
  • Lifetime access to the course with lifetime support from the author of the award-winning method at no additional cost!


  • Additionally, in this short time offer, access to all Sanomentology: Be Limitless programs, with which you will solve all the problems in your unconscious mind!


Is this opportunity worth missing? Count well. How many years and how much money will you lose without it, before you reach for what is the best option for you?

Frequently Asked Questions

When will I get access to the course?

Immediately after purchase. The system will automatically send you a login and password to the platform and grant access to the course.

Can I receive an invoice?

Of course. Just write to me after purchase and provide your details.

Will I receive a certificate of completion of the training?

Yes, you will receive it when you complete all lessons and test tasks.

Can I take the course in installments?

In the payment option you will have the opportunity to choose installment plans.

Can I teach Sanomentology after this course?

No. This requires demonstrating commitment to this method and its values. Only myself and people personally authorized by me have the right to do so under a separate agreement.

Do I have to be a therapist to become a Sanomentologist?

No. You don’t need to have any experience working with clients. The course will teach you how to deliver results and develop the qualities needed to be a successful Change Worker. Hypnotherapists, doctors, nurses, psychologists and specialists of any method have become Sanomentologists. As well as strategists, copywriters, coaches, PR and marketing specialists. And people who have never worked with clients in any way in their lives.

Does Sanomentology work for every client?

As far as I’m concerned, yes. For every client.