Let me ask you a logical question.
If it was so easy to create change as what many coaches, motivational speakers, and snake oil salesmen say, don’t you think it would be used by the powerful people in the world to keep you controlled?
After all, our animalistic traits respond to fear and negativity more than anything. It’s a basic survival instinct. And this is the mechanism used. It’s the one that has been used since the dawn of civilisation. It’s used by governments, leaders, and those with the power to influence.
But controlling the masses is not a quick process. It takes years of bombardment of messages of doom and gloom. It takes social conditioning. It takes controlled education.
If such a way exists to change someone instantly, it would 100% used by these people for nefarious means. They know it’s not possible, and continue to employ their tactical methods that work.
Even the fast pace lives we have adopted as a race, with limited attention spans, the need for quick fixes, and instant gratification is a well orchestrated mechanism that has been planned. It’s like the divide and conquer strategy has been applied to brain cells as well as people. We get bored quickly and attention shifts, preventing us from being able to grow and develop effectively.
So when you have these sales pitches for a 16 word script, a 60 second session, or anything that promises real change instantly, put the hope and desperation aside and let your mind think logically about it.
Now don’t get me wrong. A simple issue can be resolved instantly. I’ve been doing it for years. But resolving a single issue in your life and expecting change is like expecting to loose weight because you picked the salad instead of fries in your McDonald’s meal.
In the bigger picture of your life, it’s meaningless. All it is doing is giving you a false sense of accomplishment, where the guilt, shame, pain, or despair is temporarily lifted. It feels good for a moment, but reality will hit you like a ton of bricks as soon as that feeling dissipates. It’s no different to a drug, and the low after is often much worse than the feelings before, leading you to keep seeking more. It’s a great way to market, a form of legal high created by manipulation of thoughts rather than chemical or material pleasure.
Real change takes something more. It’s easier than the negative programming as it’s something you choose, rather than something being forced upon you. But it still takes dedication, determination, and a journey inside yourself that can be daunting. And it needs reinforcement to fight against the continuous onslaught of conditioning and fearmongering.
When I started out in my journey into personal growth, I was as disillusioned as any. I looked for the quick fixes and rapid change-work. I created sessions that went deeper and resolved more than anything that was on the market, and the reviews, the feedback, and the evidence from my clients and my trainees all showed this.
But as I grew myself, I realised the limitations of this attitude. I hit my own wall in my journey of self development, and that wall started to also affect my mindset and my passion. There were several times in my career where I was ready to throw in the towel. But it was only down to my own determination that I realised this was all part of the process.
Sanomentology evolved from these realisations. It employs the quick fix methods that work, but that’s just the beginning of the journey. And although it is extremely effective, the real power lies in your choice to take the journey. Sanomentology is the ship to carry you across stormy seas, the camel to help you cross a desert, but the journey is ultimately yours, and one you must choose.
I’m still on my journey, and the terrains have changed as I shift some of my focus from change to growth, from healing to development. That is the next step in my journey into the unknown realms of human potential. But it’s a journey I invite you to join me on. With the current programs available, the ships are fast and the camels well trained, you will catch up fast. And then we can all journey together. We can share the burdens and celebrate the spoils. We can all grow together, in a real and tangible way.
Your cabin is ready and prepared. You just need to step aboard. I can’t wait to welcome you.